Rogue Military Neurosurgeon Spills One of Big Pharma's Long-Withheld Secrets And

Reveals the 5-Second 'Mute Button' to Silence Ear Ringing and Fight Against Brain Damage Naturally

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Scientists at Harvard, The University Of Zurich and The American Tinnitus Institution prove it!

Nutraville is not endorsed by, sponsored by, or affiliated with any of these organizations.

You’re here because one day the ringing in your ears just switched “on”

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And it never stopped…

You thought it would just go away by itself…

But you found yourself trapped with constant, debilitating noise in your ears…

You’ve seen doctors hoping for some kind of relief…

But they couldn’t do anything except tell you… “Get used to it”

And give you a bunch of anti-anxiety pills to “try and cope”..

...And now you’re here because deep down you know you couldn’t escape it...

Which means…

You’ve got a problem

And you don’t have a solution

As you’ll see in a moment…

it’s all because the doctors & the whole big pharma Industry lied to you & have taken advantage of you...

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Telling you there’s no solution for the constant buzzing, whooshing or clicking sound that’s driving you crazy…

And right now - as YOU sit there reading this -

THEY are making billions off of you…

Off of your suffering…

Because they never revealed that a chemical imbalance in the brain is behind the constant ear ringing you’re experiencing…

…Selling you expensive hearing aids, tinnitus therapies, ear flushings, expensive surgeries, useless headache medications and anti-depressants… 

...While YOU can barely get a moment of silence… 

But as you’ll see in a moment…

I’ll show you that in fact, there’s a natural and inexpensive 5-second “Mute Button Method” to silence your tinnitus.

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In 2022 a new study1 from the American Institution Of Tinnitus, the University of Gorringen & the University Of Zurich revealed that…

...Your ear ringing is a mere symptom of a much more serious underlying condition that goes way deeper than your ears… that most doctors FAIL to recognize…

In a second you’ll discover that your unexplainable ear ringing goes back to a dangerous chemical imbalance in the brain…

Slowly killing your brain cells as we speak, erasing your memories and leading to diseases like Memory Loss Conditions and Neurological Conditions

Simply put, if you’re still hearing a buzzing sound in your head…Then it means your brain is fighting everyday to keep itself working…

And if you don’t do anything about it as soon as possible…

Harvard scientists are saying you’re risking memory loss, chronic brain damage

…Or even permanent deafness along with permanent ear ringing… trapping you inside your own private hell… unable to hear ANYTHING except for the maddening, persistent buzzing.. clicking.. and whooshing sounds until the day you take your last breath.

The sad truth is that tinnitus is slowly destroying your brain… But know that there’s hope…

Because a Former Army Neurosurgeon broke his silence and revealed a 5-second “Mute Button Method” to shut down the debilitating noises in your head.

…And heal the dangerous chemical imbalance in your brain so you can finally get your life and sanity back…

I’ll show you why you keep hearing annoying sounds inside your head even though doctors tell you there’s nothing physically wrong with your ears…

And why your untreated ear ringing may be responsible for burning your brain cells, destroying your memory and causing chronic brain diseases…

And how coming across two recent breakthrough discoveries led me to reveal one of Big Pharma’s top medical secrets in history…

What Governments and Military officials are privately doing to get rid of their tinnitus…

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And the 5-second “Mute Button Method” you can use starting today to finally make the buzzing noise go away…

This natural solution is so powerful that it has been clinically proven to work for anyone regardless of their age…

…Whether the annoying sound has been bothering you for a day or for 40 years…

All without spending another cent on expensive hearing aids, addictive and dangerous anti-depressants, OTC medications, ear flushings, risky surgeries or useless sound therapies **..

As long as you haven’t completely lost your hearing yet… It’s not too late.

In fact this solution is used by Military doctors to fight against any brain damage & rejuvenate brain cells to become 100% again…

So even if you’ve lost hope believing the buzzing sound in your head will follow you for the rest of your life…

Even if you’ve lost hope in the medical system…

And even if you tried everything to mask or get rid of your tinnitus without any success…

It’s important you stick with me until the very end of my story because in a few moments…

You'll discover how to hit the mute button on that debilitating sound that has been ruining your life and feel completely NORMAL again.

Just imagine, going to sleep and hearing nothing but complete silence

No more tea kettle whistling in your head or constant clicking that keeps you tossing and turning…

Instead, you wake up with a clear mind, able to hear your own thoughts again…

No more feeling dizzy or anxious...

No more headaches...

No more feeling angry and restless...

No more pretending you're hearing your co-workers, friends and family, while the ringing is taking your concentration away...

And no more feeling like you're fighting an invisible monster all by yourself

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Because once you discover this military-grade natural solution, tinnitus won’t be a part of you anymore…

And you’ll fight against any brain damage that might have already started to develop in your brain along with any hearing loss.. All while protecting your health for years to come…


I want you to take a deep breath...

Remove any distractions you have around you….

And stay with me till the very end of my short story…

Because what you’ll discover is going to get rid of the annoying sounds in your head and change your life forever…



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My name is James Barrett. I'm 53 years old, and live in a small town near Austin, Texas together with my beautiful wife Olivia and my daughter Amelia.


I've been a Librarian at one of the most prestigious medical universities in the country for the past 26 years.

My work allows me to assist in several exclusive medical conferences with brilliant experts and genius doctors sharing breakthrough discoveries from the top Medical Universities in the country like Harvard, Yale and Columbia University...

On a Tuesday morning in 2016, suddenly a loud buzzing sound erupted in my head.

And despite seeing doctor after doctor, explaining that I had no history of neck or head injuries, and I had never been exposed to loud noises since I worked at the library…

The noise never went away.

“You’re 100% healthy” they all said.

But they were wrong. As you’ll see in a moment something more sinister was happening inside my brain.

Because the reality is, if me and the million people who suffer from Tinnitus were 100% healthy why does the ringing never stop?

My wife and I used up half of the money we had saved for my daughter's college on seeing therapists, alternative medicine specialists, and psychiatrists…Which made me feel like I was stealing from my own child.

I tried everything they suggested to get rid of the ringing sound...

But only one thing worked for me...

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And to save you your money…

Here’s what I can tell you absolutely didn’t work for me, and it rarely works for other tinnitus sufferers..

Hearing Aids

these simply mask the noise in your head. They’re very costly, uncomfortable and they just don’t work…

Tinnitus Sound masking Apps

these thunderstorm and rain noises just cover up the ringing… My wife is an incredibly light sleeper so we had to sleep in separate beds which was devastating…

Sound Therapies

these offer temporary relief if any at all


didn’t work at all for me..

Meditation and Massage

also did nothing for me

Prescription medicines & Anti-depression medication

these made me feel like a zombie… a zombie with ringing in his ears!

Nothing I tried worked to get rid of my tinnitus…

The crazy thing is, sometimes my tinnitus would change, and start making pulsing and clicking noises…

I started to worry if I'm slowly losing my hearing or going deaf... To the point where I wished I was dead....

There was something more terrifying that started happening along with my ear ringing...

Suddenly, I started experiencing terrifying vertigo spells that made me feel like the ground beneath me was moving.

It began with mild sensations of dizziness, but then the episodes grew longer and more intense, leaving me paralyzed with fear.

At times, I would struggle to stay balanced even while sitting, feeling like I was about to tip over.

Then one day, I had the most debilitating I Tinnitus attack at the worst possible time…

…While I was driving my wife and daughter, doing 70 mph on the freeway on the way to soccer practice.

The ringing in my ears got louder and louder and suddenly my vertigo took over.

I couldn’t tell which way was up… down… left… right… and I felt like I was falling.

The car swerved left, then right on the freeway - my hands were gripped onto the steering wheel, but I couldn’t control it…


“Mommy, is daddy going CRAZY?” Amelia sobbed in the backseat.

Both my daughter and wife were screaming gripping the armrests for dear life…

And after struggling for what seemed like an eternity…

I miraculously got the car to the side of the road…

Not soon after, the debilitating noise in my ears got so intense that I passed out.

I don’t remember what happened next but I woke up in a hospital bed…

Apparently, the medical staff had been prodding me with needles and tests.

They checked my blood, pee, neck, jaw, and every single part of my body to find out what was wrong with me.

When the tests came back, the doctor looked me dead in the eye and said:

“James, we can’t find anything physically wrong with you…”

His words hit me like a ton of bricks and triggered rage inside me…

Soon the situation got out of control.

See, I had spent the previous months in hospital halls with more doctor visits than I could remember.

But no matter how many doctors I saw, they all gave me the same dismissive responses.

"You'll forget about it soon, try not to stress out" they told me… As if my entire life wasn't already consumed by this mystery illness.

It was as if my pain wasn't real, that it was all in my head.

When they told me the same thing after this terrifying emergency, I lost it.

It took 4 nurses and the doctor to calm me down…

But they said there was nothing they could do.

And then the doctor said the most callous thing I could imagine…

“You’ll just have to get used to it.”

"What do you mean, nothing's wrong with me? this noise is driving me insane….

I put my family at risk because of it, and you're telling me there's nothing you can do?"

That experience left me shaken and afraid…

I was failing as a father and a husband... I didn't feel like a real man.

All because of this debilitating noise that made my life a misery.

My daughter refused to let me drive her to school…She started to take the bus instead…

At that moment I knew if I didn’t find a solution for the ringing in my ears….

I would lose the closest people to me, end up in a mental hospital

or worse DEAD…

And it was that precise moment that led me to the natural 5-second “Mute Button Method” that I'm about to reveal to you.

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The truth was... I WAS so furious at the medical system who sucks you dry, then abandons you, not caring whether you get well or not...

That's when I decided to take the matter into my own hands and search every corner of the University Library...

I looked at studies from Universities like Stanford, Harvard and MIT. I dug through everything I could possibly find about Tinnitus and the cause behind it...

3 weeks later, I stumbled across the solution that would end up giving me and over 235,246 other people just like me peace of mind and their life back.

See, a breakthrough experiment in 2022 from the University of Zurich, The University of Groningen and the American Association of Tinnitus finally revealed the disturbing root cause behind ear ringing

They did a test with two groups of people - one group had ear ringing and the other group didn't.

They found out that the people with ear ringing had significantly lower levels of a chemical called GABA in the part of the brain that's responsible for hearing...compared to the group with no ear ringing.

Imagine your brain as a busy nightclub where there's loud music, people dancing and shouting.

GABA is like a bouncer who controls the flow of people in and out of the party.

Just like the bouncer allows only certain people to enter or exit, GABA helps control the flow of information between neurons in the brain.

Its job is to slow down the activity inside the brain...

Now here's the crazy part...

When there's not enough GABA, your brain gets stuck in overdrive...

Another chemical called Glutamate rises and acts like a DJ who pumps the volume up and gets everyone excited.

In the right amounts, Glutamate is important to keep your brain active...

But if the bouncer is passed out, and the DJ keeps pumping the volume up...

The party becomes overcrowded and chaotic -

which is exactly what's happening inside your brain...

See, when there's too much Glutamate and not enough GABA, the part of your brain that helps you hear is unable to control all the excess activity...

This chemical imbalance in the brain translates into the debilitating ear ringing sound you're experiencing right now...

It's like when the party gets overcrowded... People start throwing up on the floor, Fights break out in the bathrooms and shattered bottles of alcohol start getting thrown in the air...

Scientists confirmed the more excess Glutamate you have in your brain the more intense the ear ringing sound you hear...

And the more your brain is fighting everyday to keep itself working...

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The next part I read sent shivers down my spine…

Because According to 500 clinical studies and Professors at the Medical University of Mississippi…

Too much Glutamate can kill up to 75% of your brain cells before any clinical symptoms of a chronic disease are even noticed….

which means...

If you're currently experiencing insomnia, depression or anxiety along with your Tinnitus...

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The higher is the risk you're on your way to develop permanent brain damage that can't be noticed until too late...

Which leads to memory loss, brain tumors, Epilepsy, Memory Loss Conditions and Neurological Conditions...

My heart sunk...

I knew that a dangerous imbalance of chemicals was killing my brain and is responsible for my ear ringing

And the reason why every single doctor told me there's nothing physically wrong with me....Is because they rarely ever check these brain chemicals...

There's no test available to directly measure Glutamate and GABA (gamma-aminobutyric acid) in the brain.

Unless Doctors have access to specialized research centers or secret high level specialized clinical settings.... The same where these breakthrough experiments were conducted...

So finding out about this dangerous chemical imbalance is practically impossible....

But even though I understood the hidden cause for my ear ringing...

I still had no idea how to fix it...

And what made me scared is that I felt like I had a bomb ticking inside my brain waiting to explode…

However, I wasn't going to ignore what I discovered and wait for some brain disease to take my life...

So I started reaching out and emailing every researcher, doctor, medical expert & scientist I could find…

After several weeks of search…

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Out of 321 medical experts, only one returned my call...

Because what I’m about to tell you could potentially get him in trouble, let’s just call him Doctor X.

He's a Former Army Neurosurgeon and one of the brightest minds the US Army has ever seen.

In the past, he used to come to our Medical University and do talks about new medical discoveries...

A genius level doctor that spent several years performing complicated brain surgeries and treating patients all over the US as well as in countries like Germany, Switzerland and France...


Doctor X. told me that Tinnitus is the number one hidden enemy of the US Army because many generals and army soldiers suffer from it...

I told him how every doctor brushed me off... how I injured my family because of my debilitating ear ringing.

Doctor X. texted me back:

“I might have something for you.”

I discovered that after his military duty…

Doctor X. decided to settle down in a small town in Texas.

But he insisted that we meet somewhere far from his neighborhood for safety reasons…

He texted me to come by myself and meet him at 3 pm sharp at a local park…

It was weird but I was completely desperate at the time so I was down for anything that can relieve the buzzing sound inside my head…

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When I arrived, I looked around to see if I could find him...

“Did anyone follow you?” - Doctor X. whispered behind me...

“I don't... believe... so” - I stuttered

“Look... I shouldn't be here telling you this - but what I'm doing is very dangerous and could cost me my life....”

I was nervous... but I knew he was about to reveal something crazy...

“See, everything you found out is completely true” - Doctor X. said...

He told me about when he worked in the Army as a Neurosurgeon,

He witnessed brave army soldiers turn into frustrated and angry individuals because of Tinnitus...

And even though some of the cases were caused by being exposed to loud explosions & gunshots...

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Most cases were unexplainable - and patients had nothing physically wrong with them...

The ear ringing made many soldiers' lose concentration...

...Some started developing debilitating vertigo that kept them out of balance...

And some struggled to recall things...As if they magically lost a piece of their memory...

Others developed unexplainable hand tremors which is something that can cost someone's life in and outside the battlefield...

The US Department of Defense wasn't going to let Tinnitus & what comes with it ruin the life of perfectly fit soldiers.

They needed soldiers to be calm under stress and not have a buzzing sound messing with their heads…

Doctor X. got invited to be part of a confidential experiment.

He worked with the most experienced brain surgeons, ENTs, medical experts in the country to address the root cause behind Tinnitus: the dangerous imbalance of chemicals that's slowly killing the brain cells...

After several medical tests and formulations, these military doctors were able to create an ultra-secret formula that gets rid of the ringing, hissing, and whooshing sounds...

And helps fight against any brain damage...

Most importantly, it protects the brain from future diseases and makes sure the ear ringing never comes back again...

The only issue is, this anti-tinnitus formula, was available to 0.001% of the population!

You know for Politicians, High-Ranked Generals, Soldiers, Members of Governments and Heads of Big Corporations...

Listening to Doctor X. made my blood boil with frustration.

“Are you kidding me? This information is meant to never see the light of day? What about the million innocent Americans & Veterans suffering daily...”

Doctor X. told me everything in the world could be cured except “GREED”


The Pharma industry and evil health corporations care about one and only one thing -


Preying on our vulnerability and desperation while lining their pockets with billions and billions of dollars.

Did you know the Tinnitus and brain health industry controlled by BIG Pharma is valued at around $25 BILLION....?

And that the US Military Budget is at $842 billion dollars... All spent from the tax revenue that we honest Americans pay...

While just a tiny amount of money goes to the veterans suffering from tinnitus...

If you think about it, why would they want a single, powerful solution that can replace all these pharmaceutical products?

Why would they give up on billions of dollars?

This ultra-secret formula was available to the 0.001% of the Elites that funded it with zero intention of sharing it with the public.

Making tons of money off the backs of hard-working, suffering Americans like me and you…


Doctor X. felt guilty each time he saw his colleagues use this secret formula to stop the buzzing sounds…

While many Americans kept suffering day and night... feeling hopeless.

That's why he decided to answer my call....

He believed regular people like me and you deserve to get the relief they need from the debilitating ear ringing and feel normal again…

And even though Doctor X. was sworn to secrecy and was risking his life.

He still handed me an envelope with the word “confidential” marked all over it...

“You'll find everything inside” - he said.

And I know by now you’re curious to know what is this anti-tinnitus formula that gets rid of the ringing, buzzing or whooshing sounds you’re experiencing…

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The specific formula has been tested thoroughly.

This is a distinct combination that, like a recipe, only works when combined in the exact measures at the perfect time.

When these are combined correctly, they melt away the symptoms of tinnitus and fight against brain diseases.

Here’s a step-by-step explanation of what’s inside this military-grade formula and how it works:

Step 1: Remove The Dangerous Over-Excitation In The Brain

The awful noise in your head clears up when the brain chemistry gets rebalanced again...

The first step is to reduce the high levels of Glutamate that are caused by low GABA levels...

The secret?

Two amazing healthy gut bacteria called Lactobacillus paracasei & Lactobacillus brevis...

Our gut has its own nervous system which has been called the “second brain” by many scientists...

A study2 from Harvard Medical School, showed that healthy bacteria in our gut affects GABA production in the brain...

Also Japanese scientists discovered that Lactobacillus paracasei produced one of the highest levels of GABA in the gut..

And Korean scientists discovered that Lactobacillus brevis is one of the best GABA producing bacteria...

This secret formula also contains another powerful super ingredient called Taurine...

Scientists at Cornell University showed that taurine is a strong GABA activator...

And a study3 from the University of Pittsburgh showed that taking Taurine in specific amounts reduces the high levels of Glutamate that cause the ear ringing...

This combination of these 3 super ingredients makes your brain regain its balance, turns the volume down on the debilitating noise, improves your mood and skyrockets your energy...

Step 2: Get Rid of the Noise Completely & Sharpen Your Memory

As your brain starts to rebalance itself...

The military doctors added a specific amount of a traditional Chinese plant used for over 1,500 years for healing called Maidenhair Tree….

Scientists at Columbia University showed this super-herb boosts GABA in the brain.

And during a clinical trial, scientists discovered that taking Maidenhair Tree for a regular period of time significantly reduced the buzzing, hissing, & whooshing sounds for every participant

Plus they showed that Maidenhair Tree improved the memory for 118 participants that had an average age of 85 years old!

Which makes this combination of this super-herb and the previous ingredients boost GABA in your brain, repair your hearing...And get rid of your ear ringing completely... All while sharpening your memory.

Step 3: Bulletproof Your Brain Against Tinnitus And Brain Diseases

At this point, the chemicals in your brain are rebalanced… Your ear ringing is gone… Your memory is sharp…You’re back to 100% normal and can hear clearly again.

The next step is to bulletproof your brain and make sure your ear ringing never comes back

That’s why the military doctors added two more amazing herbs called Valerian and Passion Flower.

These super-herbs make sure the chemical GABA doesn't drop too low in your system by preventing its breakdown in your brain.

Which removes tinnitus from its roots making sure it never comes back again… So you can sleep better at night and never worry again.

The military doctors also added two more brain-protecting ingredients called Zinc and Vitamin B6…

They help produce GABA, reduce the intensity and duration of tinnitus as well as protect you against brain damage and memory diseases like Memory Loss Conditions and dementia…

As you can see these weren’t your typical ingredients that you can get at any convenience store…

These are potent and natural ingredients, carefully put together in a specific dosage to do one thing…

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Erase your ear ringing and give you back your sanity…

Bonus side effects are that they fight against brain damage and protect you against underlying diseases that may have started to develop.

Which clears up your brain fog, migraines, dizziness and makes you feel like you're in your 20s again.

Now... because I knew about all these ingredients...

It didn't mean I could just go out there and mix them together.

Because it would take me months to correctly do the natural fermentation process and extract the two healthy bacteria then add them in the right amounts...

It would take me months to source the best super-herbs from around the world and cost me a lot of money to buy...

And even more time to dry them and mix all the super ingredients in the right amounts.

Even if I was able to do that, I would have a small batch that wouldn't last me a couple of days....

And when you’re suffering from constant buzzing in your ears you don’t have the time or the patience.

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I had the information, but no way to really use it. Because I couldn’t create this formula myself.

So I contacted Doctor X. again …

He recommended I reach out to one discrete yet well-established facility inside the US.

The facility was both FDA registered and GMP certified… And operates under the most strict and sterile standards.

After the first batch came in…I felt a bit of “hope” again…

Which isn’t something small, when a while back, I was thinking of ending my life.

The military grade formula came in an easy to swallow capsule.

I took one capsule a day.

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For the first 2 days I didn't feel much... but by the end of the week something amazing happened.

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I woke up without a headache for the first time in 4 years...

I felt like someone turned the volume knob down on the buzzing sound in my ears...

The annoying sound went from a constant loud tea kettle whistle to a very low unnoticeable “hmmmm”

Suddenly, I wasn't bothered by the silence in my office at the library

And I wasn’t pretending that I was paying attention to my co-workers and friends.

I didn't need to use the thunderstorm and rain noises at night which meant my wife and I could finally sleep next to each other again..

I continued taking the capsules….

And the tenth day is when…

Tears started flowing down my face because I could finally enjoy “COMPLETE SILENCE” again!

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The ringing, clicking & pulsating sounds were COMPLETELY gone…

As days went by...

My migraine cleared up by itself...

I experienced more peace and less stress...

And I felt normal again... I felt happy.

No more dizziness, hand tremors, vertigo or brain fog...

Even my doctors didn't believe what happened...

I felt like a completely new person in a brand-new body...

For some weird reason, people started asking me what’s my secret for looking younger.

Suddenly I knew I had a second chance at being the husband and father that my family deserves

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And most importantly I knew I discovered something that can end anyone's suffering, manage their Tinnitus and give them their sanity and life back...

That's when I decided to share this anti-tinnitus formula with as many people as possible...

But before, I had to make sure it didn't just work on me...

I had to make sure it was the real deal...

So I decided to make an experiment and invite people with Tinnitus to try it out...

They had to be suffering from ear ringing for at least 6 months to a year and have tried everything from hearing aids, supplements, OTC drugs, steroid injections in the ears and sound therapies without seeing any success...

We had 51 people go through the experiment and try this ultra-secret formula.

Every single one of them reported having no debilitating noises anymore…

After seeing how many people got rid of their ear ringing with this secret formula…


With the help of Doctor X. we created “Zeneara”

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It's the only 100% natural anti-tinnitus formula that deals with the root cause of your tinnitus: the dangerous chemical imbalance that's slowly killing your brain cells and causing the ringing in your ears...

We’ve sourced the purest, 100% natural ingredients and put the exact quantities inside an easy to swallow capsule.

Every capsule is manufactured in the USA, in an FDA approved and GMP certified facility, under strict and precise standards.

Zeneara capsules are vegan, non-GMO and 100% safe.

They do not contain any dangerous stimulants or toxins, and they are not habit-forming.

This is the same ultra-secret formula that was once only available to the 0.001% of elites…

Once you take it you'll finally enjoy your own thoughts again without the ringing noise messing with your head…

You’ll experience peaceful silence when you go to sleep instead of the buzzing and hissing noises that drive you nuts so you toss and turn all night…

This anti-tinnitus formula helps anyone get rid of ear ringing

Whether it started a couple of days ago or 40 years ago.

And it works for everyone no matter their age or situation..

Zeneara also erases migraines, dizziness and anxiety you might be experiencing along with your ringing ears.

It can also fight against any brain damage that may lead to a faulty memory or permanent hearing loss…

All the while bulletproofing your brain and making sure your Tinnitus is manageable

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So forget the hearing aids, the useless supplements, the anti depressants, the noise masking devices and the ear flushings that only provide temporary relief.

This is the only anti-tinnitus formula that deals with the disturbing root cause of your tinnitus…

That has the power to mute the screaming monster in your head and give you the peace of mind you’ve been looking for…

Now as you sit here reading this right now…

You’re probably wondering how to get your hands on this anti-tinnitus formula as fast as possible and get rid of your tinnitus quickly.

Let me be honest with you…

There are only limited supplies of Zeneara available…

And that’s not a marketing gimmick or anything like that, it’s a fact.

Because Zeneara is made using a very complex process…

Sourcing and selecting the purest, and most safe ingredients that have been tested and validated for use as well as meet the GMP standards for purity, potency, and identity.

Confirming the identity, purity and potency of each ingredient using various analytical techniques such as chromatography and spectroscopy

The ingredients undergo extensive quality control testing throughout the manufacturing process to ensure that it meets FDA standards.

And it's formulated for alkalinity, making it superior to most other products

This process is CRUCIAL for creating a 100% natural and effective formula for getting rid of Tinnitus...

But it's also time consuming and expensive...

Which means we're constantly experiencing out-of-stocks...

Because the Zeneara formula can only be produced a limited number of bottles at a given time.

We also had some people use it for more than just getting rid of the annoying sound.

People all over the World are using it to get rid of brain fog, to also skyrocket their energy, sharpen their memory and protect themselves against severe hearing loss and brain damage zeneara dot

So people order several bottles at a time…

So they can stay stocked up…

And so that they can give it to their family and friends too.

Now I’m more than delighted that we can help as many people get relief from the debilitating buzzing sounds plus see them regain their mental clarity and happiness

But the popularity of this formula has put even more of a strain on our production capacities...

With that being said however...

I don't want your ear ringing to ruin your life like it did to me...

I don’t want anyone to develop memory loss or brain disease when there is a simple solution.

Which is why since you’ve read this presentation so far…

I’m going to share how you can get your hands on a brand new bottle of Zeneara today for much less than you may think

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As I said before, if you would try to recreate this blend with the super natural ingredients that are inside Zeneara...

You would spend upwards of $3000 to source all those ingredients from all over the world…Only to end up with a small batch that won’t be nearly as effective.

Now, our intentions are to make this affordable for anyone suffering from tinnitus…

So the price is not going to be anywhere near $3000, nor is it even half of that, which would be $1500...

I want you to just think about this for a second...

What would you pay to flip a switch to turn off the ringing, buzzing or clicking sound in your head once and for all…

What would it be worth to you to enjoy lengthy conversations with your loved ones without losing concentration or pretending you’re focused…

To not worry that your memory is deteriorating… or worse that you might be developing a brain disease that could cost you your life…

What would it be worth to you to finally sleep like a baby again and wake up refreshed…

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The truth is your sanity
and the quality of your life are priceless.

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Here's what you won't pay...

You won’t pay anything near what anyone else charges for high-end hearing aids…

You won’t pay anything near expensive tinnitus therapies that may not even work...

You won’t pay anything near to what it costs for multiple visits at the neurologist, audiologist or ENTs

You’re only paying what we pay to cover the costs of the ingredients and keep this site running for as long as we can.

So you have 3 options to choose from…


Option 1 - grab one month supply of Zeneara

That'll give you one bottle of Zeneara...

The regular price is $149 but if you order within the next 20 minutes... you'll get an instant 54% off

Which brings you to the price you see below

I call this the starter pack, but it's our least favorite option due to the fact that you may not be able to order more later...

And let me emphasize this….

Once you start using Zeneara, you don’t really want to stop until all your ear ringing clears away and never comes back again…

The truth is, we cannot estimate exactly how damaged and imbalanced the chemicals inside your brain are at this moment

This injury depends on many factors, such as how long you’ve had the tinnitus, your medical history, your overall health and lifestyle choices etc.


Even though you can expect the horrible ringing, buzzing, clicking and whooshing sounds to go away in a matter of a few days... it could still take more than 87 days fully clear any deterioration in the brain caused by this underlying condition behind your ear ringing....

When you choose our second option you save even more money...

You get 3 bottles of Zeneara that'll last you for the next 3 months...and clear away your Tinnitus as the days go by....

Now if you want to make sure to heal & rebalance your brain chemistry, get rid of your Tinnitus completely and make sure it never comes back...

All while protecting yourself from hearing loss and bulletproofing your entire nervous system well into old age... like all the other 253,246 people who experience peace of mind...

Then…6 bottles of Zeneara are all you need.


Since this is the prescription Doctor X. would recommend, you get an even bigger discount.

Like I said, our goal is to help as many tinnitus sufferers as possible.

And I’m 100% confident Zeneara will get rid of your tinnitus completely and make sure it never comes back…


So I’m willing to take all the risk and give you our 365-day - 100% get rid of your tinnitus or don’t pay - Money Back Guarantee

zeneara dot

That means at any point within the next 12 months you don’t experience your tinnitus completely evaporating… your energy skyrocketing and your memory getting sharper…

You'll get a full refund. NO questions asked...

All you need to do is contact us within the next full year from your purchase.

It doesn't matter if you used up the entire bottle, we will still give you your money back.

This means you have 365 days to decide if Zeneara is for you or not.

Sounds fair enough?

zeneara dot

All you need is to take two capsules per day - either in the morning or before sleeping and you'll rapidly start feeling better...

But it would be a shame to be so close to never having to deal with ear ringing, dizziness, brain fog or anxiety…

Just to notice you’re out of Zeneara…

Because here’s the thing: Missing one day of Zeneara might lead to slowing down all your progress which exacerbates the disturbing chemical imbalance in your brain…

And I don’t want you to have to wait months for a new batch of this rare blend to be available again…

And when it finally is, you might realize that their price is twice as high…

And if you're like most other people and get the three or six-month package now… at an incredibly steep discount today, You'll also get FREE Shipping along with 2 Bonuses worth $114

zeneara dot

This is E-book/Digital Download and not a physical product.

Bonus 1:

Five Foods That Can Make Your Tinnitus Worse!!

Normally $49


  • A common ingredient in your kitchen that's killing your heart and making your Tinnitus worse! Discover what it is on page 3 & 4.
  • Never order this take-out food that's proven to disrupt your brain chemistry and exacerbate your Tinnitus. Page 4
  • Munching on this breakfast snack might seem harmless, but it’s proven to make your ear ringing worse. Find out which one on page 4.
  • Is your buzzing getting more intense? It might be because of this “Nightmare American Snack” you're eating without realizing it. Check out page 4 to find out more.
  • Surprisingly, there's a carb-filled dinner meal that most doctors warn against, but it's actually proven to reduce ear ringing! Learn about it on page 5
  • And finally the right way to eat your fruit to bring relief to your debilitating ear ringing. Discover this proven way on page 5.

This is E-book/Digital Download and not a physical product.

Bonus 2:

Stop The Stress - Secrets of a Stress Free Life

Normally $67


  • Discover the counterintuitive connection between stress and tinnitus that you might inadvertently be doing every day
  • Use these mystic Eastern techniques to zap stress and turn the volume down on those annoying noises in your head
  • The shocking way stress can actually cause deafness over time and how you can escape that horror
  • The one minute method to calm your racing mind so you can drift off to a deep, silent sleep.


- 1 Month Supply -

$69 / Bottle


TOTAL: $149 $69



- 6 Month Supply -

$49 / Bottle

Silence Ear Ringing Now


TOTAL: $474 $294

*Includes FREE Shipping


- 3 Month Supply -

$59 / Bottle


TOTAL: $237 $177

*Includes FREE Shipping

Please take into account that Zeneara is selling incredibly fast and, once it is sold out.

It will take me 7 to 10 months to produce a new batch

zeneara dot

And with rising demand, according to our estimations, Zeneara will soon be out of stock.

Therefore, if you decide to leave this page today, without securing your supply you may come back to find we’re sold out.

Because of rising costs, I can’t guarantee the price will stay this low. And I don’t want you to pay more later.

Think about it... right as you're reading this page...

Thousands of people across the country are re-discovering what it is like to have a quiet mind and enjoy peace every single day, without hearing a beep out of tinnitus and being confident their brain health will be protected well into old age.

zeneara dot

So, no wonder their orders continue to increase every time they refill their supply.

That's why, while Zeneara is still available, I urge you not to wait if you're still on the fence.

Of course, we’re committed to supporting you every way that we can. So we encourage you to order your batch of 3 or 6 bottles for a huge discount with FREE shipping!


- 1 Month Supply -

$69 / Bottle


TOTAL: $149 $69



- 6 Month Supply -

$49 / Bottle

Silence Ear Ringing Now


TOTAL: $474 $294

*Includes FREE Shipping


- 3 Month Supply -

$59 / Bottle


TOTAL: $237 $177

*Includes FREE Shipping

Here’s Why You Should Get Your Hands On 6 Bottles Of Zeneara Today

zeneara dot

Since we save when we ship bulk orders, we feel it's only fair to pass on the savings (up to $228 for 6 bottles) to you when you order Zeneara today!

Remember: This webpage is the only place you can get Zeneara

You’ll not find Zeneara on Amazon or Walmart.

We’ve cut every middleman to bring you the lowest price possible.

We’re not affiliated with these profit-centered corporations, where it‘s easy to turn a blind eye to quality

We created Zeneara for people like me and you who feel betrayed by the medical system and who are finally ready to enjoy complete relief from the ringing for the first time in their lives.


I really want you to experience what it’s like to have hope and feel normal again, knowing that the debilitating noise is not part of you anymore.

All without using expensive hearing aids, tinnitus sound masking apps, alternative solutions like acupuncture or meditations, and definitely without useless medication that never seems to work.

Unfortunately, we know most people who make it this far don’t give themselves a chance to experience what it’s like to finally live tinnitus-free…

Even though they’ve seen the remarkable scientific evidence, heard the success stories, and know that there's literally nothing like Zeneara on the market.

They fear that it’s too good to be true because they’ve been disappointed before so many times.

And that’s okay.

Especially when you consider all the lies you've been told by billion-dollar health corporations

And out of fear of being disappointed or wasting their time again, they turn away and miss out on what can truly transform their hearing and quality of life.

But hey, if you're one of the lucky ones who stumbled upon the miracle in this message, you've got to feel it in your gut, right?

This is an opportunity that you just can't let slip, especially when it’s completely risk-free.

Now, unfortunately, we don’t have enough Zeneara for everyone. Soon this life-changing formula will be sold out, so I urge you to act fast before it’s too late.

We’re expecting to be out of stock at any moment, because…

1) Zeneara Is Constantly In High Demand

zeneara dot

When we first launched Zeneara, it flew off the shelves and we were sold out within just a few weeks.

Honestly, we were caught off guard by the overwhelming number of people searching for a lasting solution to tinnitus.

Plus, many of our customers aren't just buying bottles for themselves, they're also getting them for their family and friends, which really amps up the demand.

That's exactly why a whopping 97% of our customers go for the 6-bottle option each time.

They want to ensure they heal & rebalance the brain chemistry and get rid of the ringing forever.

And guess what? They often come back for another 6 bottles, just to make sure they've got enough on hand to really maximize those tinnitus-relief and memory-boosting benefits.

Now, we're thrilled that our formula has gained popularity and is helping so many people silence their ear ringing. But, this high demand also means we're often running out of stock, especially because...

2) Zeneara Includes 8 Super Ingredients That Are Difficult To Get Ahold Of

zeneara dot

When we first made Zeneara, I made a promise to only use the most potent and best organically grown ingredients that help regulate the chemical imbalance in the brain and get rid of tinnitus.

As a result, some of the unique ingredients inside Zeneara are incredibly hard to source, since they only grow in specific, remote locations across the globe, like:

Maidenhair Tree, which we source from Japan making it expensive to bring to the US.

Or Lactobacillus paracasei & Lactobacillus brevis. These aren't your standard probiotics, they're specialized strains.

Sourcing them in the pure form and quantity we need for Zeneara takes a lot of patience, time and effort.

And that’s just a couple of the rare natural ingredients we use to create Zeneara which means our supply could dry up at any time…

Not only are these ingredients rare and take time to mix together in the appropriate doses, but also getting them is getting tougher every day.

With the way the global supply chain is right now, it's all over the place.

We're facing delays, shortages, you name it. It's a constant battle to ensure we have enough Zeneara available.

But that's not all. Because after we source the best ingredients from around the world…

3) Every Batch of Zeneara Goes Through a Rigorous Quality Production Process

zeneara dot

Each bottle of Zeneara is produced at a GMP certified and FDA Approved facility right here in the United States…

That way we can ensure that each and every capsule is filled with potent, clean and safe ingredients.

If that wasn’t enough, we went above and beyond to hire a third-party laboratory to analyze every single batch of Zeneara and certify that every ingredient we put on the label is included in every capsule you take.

While this process is important to get you the best quality of ingredients and the maximum tinnitus relieving effects…

It can often take up to 7 or 10 months to produce a new batch of Zeneara

And if the constant high demand, tough-to-source ingredients, and rigorous production and review process weren't enough…

4) The Hearing & Tinnitus Giants Want To Shut Us Down

zeneara dot

You know, it's pretty wild how the big shots in the tinnitus and hearing industry have been making a fortune.

They sell those pricey hearing aids, various tinnitus treatments, and all sorts of therapies, preying on honest, hard-working Americans like you and me.

Now here’s the thing, they’re not a fan of what we’re doing here. 

They don’t want the public to know there’s a natural solution like Zeneara that can put a stop to their struggles with ear ringing and hearing issues.

As a result, our website is under constant threat.

These guys have deep pockets and influence that stretches far and wide and they’re doing everything they can to shut us down.

Rest assured we’re doing our best to help as many people as we can, but the truth is, we can't guarantee to continue offering Zeneara tomorrow or six months down the line. It’s a tough spot to be in, but we keep on fighting.

That’s why many of our customers are grabbing our 6-month supply. It's their way of playing it safe, making sure they're stocked up just in case things go south for us.

Can't blame them, it's always smart to be prepared, especially when the stakes are this high.

How does that sound? Take a look below at the button that has appeared under this video…

All you have to do is click it…

And the moment you click it, is the moment you choose to make that decision…

Hit that button and realize - that click is the only thing standing between you and muting the buzzing sounds in your head.

Hit that button and realize - that click is the only thing standing between you and experiencing the silence & the peace of mind that you’ve been craving

Hit that button and realize - that click is the only thing standing between getting rid of your ear ringing and regaining your sanity & life back…

Hit that button and Get Rid of Your Tinnitus quickly.

Once you order, you’ll be taken to our secure checkout page.

Just fill in your usual details.

Immediately after you fill in your usual information and confirm your order, your bottles of Zeneara will be shipped the same day for free right to your doorstep.

When you order the 3 or 6 bottle package you’ll also take advantage of a huge discount.

zeneara dot

JUST CLICK BELOW TO SELECT YOUR PACKAGE: Your order today is a one-time payment with no subscription or hidden charges.


- 1 Month Supply -

$69 / Bottle


TOTAL: $149 $69



- 6 Month Supply -

$49 / Bottle

Silence Ear Ringing Now


TOTAL: $474 $294

*Includes FREE Shipping


- 3 Month Supply -

$59 / Bottle


TOTAL: $237 $177

*Includes FREE Shipping

All you need to keep in mind is that Zeneara can be found only on this page and is not available for purchase anywhere else.

If you see Zeneara on any other site other than this one, know it is fake and you buy it at your own risk.

I didn’t want to share this, but I am personally getting threats from the tinnitus industry giants. If I ever feel like I am risking my family’s safety, I will close this entire operation.

Please don’t let this opportunity pass you by today. This stuff works.

And when you think about it, you really only have two choices ahead of you right now.

zeneara option

Stop following this presentation and leave the page.

Continue living with that gruesome, unceasing sound that's been following you everywhere.

Continue to endure the excruciating pain and unbearable discomfort that comes along with Tinnitus.

You could continue to risk deafness, brain damage, memory loss and psychological disorders while feeling isolated from everyone else.

Continue feeling the frustration because nothing else seems to work and live every moment with that unrelenting noise that makes it impossible to focus or relax.

All while letting this underlying condition rob you of your hearing, your memories, and your ability to enjoy life's simple pleasures.

zeneara option

Risk nothing at all today. Grab Zeneara right now and say goodbye to this debilitating noise...

you'll be surprised at how well it works; how clear your mind can be and how peaceful your days.

Protect your brain well into old age and feel completely normal AGAIN!

So just click below to make your choice, enter your details on our secure order form, and place the order now.

We'll immediately ship your bottles directly to your home.

Remember every 3 and 6 month package comes with a deep discount and two bonuses worth $114, and every order comes with free shipping, no matter where you live.


Plus you get with a 365-days, 100% you get rid of your Tinnitus or you don’t pay Money Back Guarantee…

Still here?

Look, this isn’t complicated…

We all buy things…

Some of those things make our lives better in the short term...but not in the long term…

This is going to make your life that much better right away…

And…I’m not asking you to buy anything here…

All I’m asking you to do… is TRY

I’m not asking you to say yes…

I’m asking you to say MAYBE...

Just say MAYBE for 365- days… that’s a whole year to decide.

Use everything I just showed you to deal with the real cause of tinnitus and say goodbye to tinnitus once and for all…

And if you don’t - then you don’t pay.

Everything I just told you probably goes against what you’ve heard from your doctors…

I can only ask you one question.

How many of them helped you get rid of your tinnitus?

Listen, it’s up to you...

A month from today, you can be nothing more than 30 days older,

or you can sleep like a baby knowing that the ringing in your ears is gone and will never come back…

you decide…

John Lennon once said…

“Life passes you by while you're busy planning.”

Don't let life pass you while the ringing in your ears! is robbing you of your best years.

zeneara dot

Because with Zeneara - you no longer have a problem…

Now, you have a solution!

But that solution comes with a choice...

The choice to either ignore everything I just told you and continue taking the hard path in life...

Trying to “live” with this constant ringing..

...Or You can choose to take everything I just showed you and use Zeneara to re-balance the dangerous chemical imbalance in your brain...

To shut down the annoying ringing that's stealing your sanity...

To start enjoying peace of mind & finally being able to sleep without trying to mask the noise...

And rejuvenating your brain and fighting against any brain disease that you might have started developing...

But I can't make this decision for you...

All I can do is show you the way...

The choice is yours and only yours to make.

But choose carefully

Because the decision you make right now is going to decide the rest of your life...

It’s a decision that has the power to mute the ringing, clicking whooshing sounds and removing your sleep problems and anxiety quickly…

One you will look back on - and realize that …

This very moment - was the moment that changed everything for you...

So right now is your best chance to get your hands on 6 bottles of Zeneara before we run out of stock.

zeneara dot

Peace of mind is waiting for you on the other side of that button.

And just so you know - you're under no risk of anything here

All the risk is mine.

Because remember - if you're not happy for any reason what-so-ever

Or no reason at all...


- 1 Month Supply -

$69 / Bottle


TOTAL: $149 $69



- 6 Month Supply -

$49 / Bottle

Silence Ear Ringing Now


TOTAL: $474 $294

*Includes FREE Shipping


- 3 Month Supply -

$59 / Bottle


TOTAL: $237 $177

*Includes FREE Shipping

At any point in the next 365 days, just let us know, and we'll personally see to it you are fully refunded every single penny - no questions asked, and you know what?

zeneara dot

Think about it -

If I'm wrong, you're out a few minutes of your time, & a quick email to cancel.

pill time

Still here?

Well I want you to ask yourself...


Who do you want to be ?

The one who continues worrying about the annoying noise, tossing and turning at night...

Or the one who enjoys complete freedom from the constant buzzing sound...

The one living in fear of any disease that can take their life away at any point….

Or the one who's in full control of their life...

Do you want to put an end to the debilitating sound you're hearing... or risk going deaf...

Do you want the moment you wake up to be full of joy and happiness or you want to keep feeling anxious & depressed...

And believe me - I know there are doubts.

pill time

There are doubts that come along with anything great you'll ever do...

But at some point...the logic has to kick in...

Your sanity and quality of life could be increasing....

All while worries finally end.

You risk nothing here...and stand to gain everything...

So the real question is...

How can you be smart...and NOT do this?

You’ve already tried everything to get rid of the ringing…

Don’t make another mistake by not escaping it while you still have the chance.

You're making this decision now…not only for today but for the rest of your life...

From now on....every time you go to sleep…

You’ll think back to this presentation…

Will you find yourself filled with regret, because you passed up the opportunity to do something while you still had time?

Or will you be enjoying the tinnitus-free life you always wanted - all because of the decision you made right now…

zeneara dot

While you STILL have the chance?

I ask you...

If you don't do it now - when it's this easy...

When will you do it?

Now is the time.

Hit that button below...

And let’s give YOU back your sanity…

Let's make you feel completely NORMAL again

Take your first steps towards removing Tinnitus from your life quickly...

Hit the button below...

Remember it's completely risk free!

I'm not asking you to do anything...

I'm just asking you to try.

If you don't get rid of the annoying sound in the next 365 days...

You don't pay...

So since you’re still here, let me ask you

”Where are those doubts coming from?”

Are you worried this won’t work? I assure you it does.

I and the other 235,246 people using Zeneara are living proof.

You've already seen how this has the power to change your entire life…

Hit the button below right now…

And take back control of your life..


- 1 Month Supply -

$69 / Bottle


TOTAL: $149 $69



- 6 Month Supply -

$49 / Bottle

Silence Ear Ringing Now


TOTAL: $474 $294

*Includes FREE Shipping


- 3 Month Supply -

$59 / Bottle


TOTAL: $237 $177

*Includes FREE Shipping

You watched this video…

You’ve seen it work for me…

You’ve seen it work for others…

You know it will work for you...

The button you see below...

It’s not just a button...

it’s your escape plan…

It’s you - creating a future free of tinnitus…

And finally saying

Enough is enough...
The ear ringing won't control my life!

Look, it's not your fault - you never knew about this truth...

But now that you know what to do about it...

It WILL be your fault if you don’t get yourself out...

Hit the button

Do it now..

Or forever wish you did.

Hit the button. Do it now..

And I will have a special surprise waiting for you on the other side that I can’t publicly talk about here...

...Something that I have only shared previously with friends & family…

Something you will have to see to believe…

Hit that button now…

And I’ll see you on the other side where I’ll show it to you…

zeneara dot

(Still here)

I know we covered a lot of new information today…

So for the next few moments I'm going to address some of the most common questions about Zeneara

To help make the decision to stock up and save on our limited supply very easy. First...

How long do I really need to get rid of my ear ringing?

Zeneara works by rebalancing the dangerous chemical imbalance of GABA and Glutamate in the brain which is the cause of your tinnitus… This dangerous imbalance has been shown to cause excess activity in the brain which can lead to more serious and permanent diseases like Memory Loss Conditions and Neurological Conditions... The Zeneara formula helps increase the levels of GABA in the brain and makes sure your tinnitus goes away in few weeks all while protecting your well-being and health against any diseases. For severe cases it can take up to 87 days to rebalance the brain chemistry and get rid of the ringing quickly.

How will I know if Zeneara will work for me?

Zeneara has been formulated with ingredients that have been clinically tested for their effectiveness in getting rid of Tinnitus...235,246 men and women of all ages across the US have used it to get rid of their Tinnitus and make sure it never comes back..The same formula has been secretly used by Army Men, Soldiers and Heads of big health corporations to say goodbye to their Tinnitus, improve their long-term memory and brain health

Is Zeneara really covered by a money-back guarantee?

Yes. We offer a 365-day 100% Get Rid Of Your Tinnitus or get your Money Back - Guarantee. No questions asked. If for any reason you try Zeneara for the next 12 months and you're not satisfied with the results, you can get a full refund.

I have to think about it. Will I get a chance to get Zeneara later?

Unfortunately, we cannot guarantee the availability of Zeneara in the future as it is constantly in high demand, and we encourage you to take advantage of this opportunity to purchase Zeneara now while you can.

Does Zeneara really work even if I have other health conditions?

Yes, Zeneara has been designed to work effectively for those with Tinnitus regardless of other health conditions or objections. Our ingredients have been carefully selected and tested to ensure safety and effectiveness for all users. However, we still recommend that you consult with your doctor first before using Zeneara, especially if you have other health conditions. This will help ensure that it is safe and appropriate for you to use, and can help you avoid any potential interactions with other medications or dietary supplements you may be taking.

This sounds amazing... I’m in! What should I do next?

Great! Click the Button Below to get 1,3 or 6 bottles of Zeneara at a large discount and FREE shipping and Say goodbye to your ear ringing.


- 1 Month Supply -

$69 / Bottle


TOTAL: $149 $69



- 6 Month Supply -

$49 / Bottle

Silence Ear Ringing Now


TOTAL: $474 $294

*Includes FREE Shipping


- 3 Month Supply -

$59 / Bottle


TOTAL: $237 $177

*Includes FREE Shipping

Scientific references:

  1. Harvard bacteria study:
  2. Uni of Pittsburg:
  3. American tinnitus institution:
BuyGoods is the retailer of this product. BuyGoods is a registered trademark of BuyGoods, a Delaware corporation located at 1201 N Orange Street Suite #7223, Wilmington, DE, 19801, USA and used by permission. BuyGoods role as retailer does not constitute an endorsement, approval or review of this product or any claim, statement or opinion used in promotion of this product. 'Statements on this website have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. Products are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.